FEM Tribune – Array optimisation webinar
Published on 21/09/2020
A 4-webinar series has been proposed in autumn 2020 in the framework of the Tribune de France Energies Marines. Organised this year around the theme of the integration and optimisation of ORE farmss, this event aims to discuss about R&D issues and the results of collaborative projects conducted by the Institute, its members and partners.
The webinar dedicated to the array optimisation was organised around the following question: Which methods and tools should be chosen to achieve the optimum cost/production?
The event was recorded and the speeches are available in replay below.
- Introduction to the panel session – Yann-Hervé De Roeck, France Energies Marines > Watch
- IEA WIND TCP Task37: Wind energy systems engineering – Katherine Dykes, DTU Wind > Watch | Slides
- Farm-level design tools at France Energies Marines – Nicolas Germain, France Energies Marines > Watch
- Electrotechnical architecture – Salvy Bourguet, Université de Nantes > Watch
- Environmental and Social Acceptance module of DTOcean+ suite – Georges Safi, France Energies Marines > Watch
- Q&A Session > Watch
The slides are also available for download below.
FEM Tribune 2020 – IEA Wind Task 37
FEM Tribune 2020 – Design tools state of the art
FEM Tribune 2020 – Electrotechnical architecture
FEM Tribune 2020 – DTOceanPlus Environmental assessment module
Photo credit: Bodgesoc