Published on 12/09/2023
High potential solutions to major challenges
Offshore renewable energy production has many challenges. Its variability over time is one of them, as it can destabilise a grid and lead to strong variations in the price of electricity. In order to achieve a use free of this variability, it is necessary to store the electrical energy produced. For long-term storage, the production of hydrogen is the most relevant solution today. This element can be reused to produce electricity and support the network, but also for other industrial uses. Its use in maritime and land transport is also envisaged to meet the need for decarbonised energy. The production of hydrogen could be a good complement to the operation of wind farms. The specific challenges of offshore renewable energies are threefold: transposition of land-based solutions to the sea, development of technological building blocks adapted to the specificities of the sea and demonstration of the economic viability of these new solutions. The risks inherent in hydrogen storage must also be perfectly mastered to allow large-scale use.
Studying the feasibility of producing hydrogen from wind energy
Hydrogen storage offers an alternative to batteries and a response to the intermittent nature of renewable energies. Hydrogen production technologies could be transferable to offshore wind energy, but they will require particular attention to the constraints inherent in the marine environment. A first project (OPHARM Project) has led to the development and use of a digital tool, which can be used to assess the various configurations for hydrogen production coupled with offshore wind energy in a given area. At the same time, priority R&D actions have been summarised in a roadmap for the French offshore wind sector. A second project (OPHARM2 Project) addresses a series of complementary aspects of renewable hydrogen production from offshore wind farms to support its progress towards operational deployment.
Photo credit: Photocreo Bednarek / AdobeStock
Hydrogen and offshore wind: decision-support tools
In progress
Advanced analysis for offshore production of hydrogen from offshore wind
Media library
Jean Dubranna
Engineer in calculation of offshore energy potential
Marie Robert
ORE research project manager
Published on 14/10/2022