Observation and prediction of bird migration from weather radars
Duration: 36 months (2022-2025)
Every year, considerable flows of birds migrate and cross the national territory, flying over sea and land. However, knowledge on the migratory routes of birds is still incomplete. In parallel, the airspace is increasingly used through the development of wind power on land and now at sea.
To develop a real-time monitoring tool for bird flights and migration via the Météo-France weather radar network
Scientific and technical contents
- Analysis of the state of the art, feedback and framing of the study
- Development and validation of an algorithm for the detection of bird echoes on radar echoes
- Field calibration/validation protocol
- Construction of a predictive model of bird flows on the maritime facades
Partners and funding
This project is led by France Energies Marines.
The total project budget is €840K.
This project benefits from an ADEME grant.
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Photo credit: Père Igor