Mooring health monitoring for offshore renewable energy systems

Duration: 36 months (2017 - 2020)


Mooring systems used for floating offshore wind turbines differ significantly from those used by the oil & gas sector due to high dynamics in shallow waters. Currently proposed solutions to satisfy these new constraints employ new dispositions and materials whose long-term behaviour is poorly known and remains non-qualified.


To define an in-service mooring system monitoring methodology.

Main achivements

  • Development of an in-service monitoring methodology based on accessible measurements and digital tools
  • Testing of this methodology at sea on a reduced scale and on a numerical model of a full-scale floating wind turbine verified through tank tests


MHM-EMR has enabled the development of a methodology for monitoring mooring lines, including not only appropriate instrumentation, but also behavioural simulation algorithms. This methodology constitutes an essential building block for the elaboration of digital twins, the development of which will be initiated in the framework of the SUBSEE 4D project.


Fact sheet (PDF)

Methodology in video

Partners and funding

This project is led by Centrale Nantes and France Energies Marines.

The total project budget is €588K.

This project receives/received funding from France Energies Marines and its members and partners, as well as French State funding managed by the National Research Agency under the Investments for the Future Programme (ANR-10-IEED-0006-19).

Photo credits: France Energies Marines and Naval Energies

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