Design and metocean: modelling and observations of extreme sea states for offshore renewable energies

Duration: 52 months (2017 - 2021)


ORE systems deployed at sea are exposed to extreme waves that can jeopardize their mechanical structure. If these extreme waves are caused to break, the risk to the turbines is further increased. It is therefore essential to better understand and characterise sea states in the event of storms in order to optimise the design of renewable energy converters such as floating wind turbines.


To improve the characterisation of extreme sea states with breaking waves by combining observations and modelling.

Main achievements

  • ldentification of a new criterion for wave breaking
  • Development of an engineering methodology to better estimate the forces induced by breakers on fixed wind turbine masts
  • Development of a new parameterisation of wave breaking statistics based on an analytical approach and incorporating key physical ingredients such as the kinematic wave breaking criterion and sea state irregularity
  • Documentation of the occurrence statistics and properties of breakers under storm conditions through measurement campaigns conducted from a lighthouse at sea


DIME has enabled the development of extreme sea state simulation tools and the develoment of recommendations contributing to the revision of design standards for offshore renewable energy technologies.


DIME fact sheet (PDF)

DIME closing webinar

DIME recommendations report (PDF)

Partners and funding

This project was led by France Energies Marines.

Centrale Marseille logo

The total budget of the project was €1,664K.

This project received funding from France Energies Marines and its members and partners, as well as French State funding managed by the National Research Agency under the Investments for the Future Programme (ANR-10-IEED-0006-14). Testing carried out at La Jument lighthouse receives funding from Crédit Agricole’s Filière Mer division and technical support from the Direction Interrégionale de la Mer Nord Atlantique Manche Ouest.

Photo credit: France Energies Marines

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