webinar DIMPACT+

WEBINAR DIMPACT+ Joint Industrial Project (JIP)

Thursday April 11 at 2 pm CEST (Paris time)

France Energies Marines is pleased to invite you to a one-hour information webinar on the DIMPACT+ Joint Industrial Project (JIP) on Thursday April 11 at 2 pm. Scheduled for launch in October 2024, this project aims to explore in depth the assessment of extreme striking wave loads, also known as “slamming loads”, on fixed and floating offshore wind turbines (FOWT).

We are currently looking for industrial partners interested in guiding this JIP and help close the funding.


DIMPACT+ is a continuation of the previous DIMPACT JIP, which resulted in new methods for computing slamming loads on FOWT. These innovative methods have been implemented in the OpenFAST and DIEGO codes, and will be referenced to in the next version of DNV’s RP C205 standard.

This research and development project aims to explore new frontiers in our understanding of the extreme loads applied on offshore wind infrastructure.


DIMPACT+ intends to :

  • Improve DIMPACT’s slamming loads methods.
  • Extend them to bottom-fixed technologies with a focus on deep water bottom-fixed and shallow water with strong bottom slope.
  • Develop a specific approach for the definition of the design sea states in presence of breaking waves.

Why partner with us ?

DIMPACT+ will lead to :

  • A reduced conservatism of the certification documents regarding slamming loads.
  • the Implementation of the method in OpenFAST and inhouse engineering codes of the partners.

As a bonus, specific restricted WPs could be setup for an application of DIMPACT+ approaches for the ULS design of offshore wind turbines at sites prescribed by the partners interested.

Join the webinar

Join this webinar where the upcoming DIMPACT+ JIP will be presented by 5 high level scientists on this topic: Jean-François Filipot and Paul Renaud from France Energies Marines, Alan Tassin from Ifremer, Jeffrey Harris from EPC and Christophe Peyrard from EDF R&D.

The agenda will be as follow :

  • Introduction, DIMPACT results, main DIMPACT+ objectives (JF Filipot, France Energies Marines): 10 min
  • WP2: flume experiments : (A. Tassin, Ifremer) : 5 min
  • WP3: numerical modeling : (J. Harris, Ecole Nationale des Ponts ParisTech) : 5 min
  • WP4: field experiments : (JF Filipot, France Energies Marines) : 5 min
  • WP5: semi-analytical approaches : (P. Renaud, France Energies Marines) : 5 min
  • WP6: implementation in mid fidelity coupled tools : (C. Peyrard, EDF R&D) : 5 min
  • Main deliverables: (JF Filipot, France Energies Marines) : 5 min
  • Discussions/questions (ALL) : 20 min

Register now : https://framaforms.org/webinar-assessment-of-extreme-breaking-wave-loads-on-wind-turbines-1711721752

For more information, we invite you to discover the JIP sheet or to contact us : Jean-François FILIPOT, Scientific director – jean.francois.filipot@ite-fem.org – T. + 33 (0)6 80 25 56 40

Photo credit: France Energies Marines

Read the DIMPACT+ JIP sheet (PDF)

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