FEM Tribune – Seabed dynamics webinar

A 4-webinar series has been proposed in autumn 2020 in the framework of the Tribune de France Energies Marines. Organised this year around the theme of the integration and optimisation of ORE farmss, this event aims to discuss about R&D issues and the results of collaborative projects conducted by the Institute, its members and partners.

The webinar dedicated to the seabed dynamics was organised around the following question:  How to reduce the costs necessary for the characterisation of the seabed and adapt structures to the specific nature of the soil?

The event was recorded and the speeches are available in replay below.

  • Introduction to the panel session – Jean-François Filipot, France Energies Marines > Watch
  • Sediment transport processes in the presence of intense currents – Thierry Garlan, Shom > Watch
  • Understanding submarine dunes dynamic to prevent their effects on ORE components – Maëlle Nexer, France Energies Marines > Watch
  • Challenges of rocky substratum – Elisabeth Palix, EDF Renouvelables > Watch
  • Geophysical surveys for the sea bottom characterisation of ORE sites – Judith Flamme, MAPPEM Geophysics / Université de Bretagne Occidentale > No video available
  • Q&A Session > No video available

The slides are also available for download below.

FEM Tribune 2020 – Sediment transport in intense currents

FEM Tribune 2020 – Submarine dunes

FEM Tribune 2020 – Challenges of rocky substratum

FEM Tribune 2020 – Geophysical investigation for site characterisation

Photo credit: Pixabay

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