FEM Tribune – ORE integration webinar
Published on 16/10/2020
A 4-webinar series has been proposed in autumn 2020 in the framework of the Tribune de France Energies Marines. Organised this year around the theme of the integration and optimisation of ORE farmss, this event aims to discuss about R&D issues and the results of collaborative projects conducted by the Institute, its members and partners.
The webinar dedicated to the environmental recommendations was organised around the following question: Which scientific tools to take into account the challenges of a territory?
The event was recorded and the speeches are available in replay below.
- Introduction to the panel session – Jean-Philippe Pagot, EDF Renouvelables > Watch
- Conciliation and environmental aspect of Dieppe Le Tréport offshore windfarm project – Maud Harribey & Emilie Praca, Les éoliennes en mer de Dieppe Le Tréport > Watch
- Committee of Experts for ORE Environmental Issues – Herveline Gaborieau, France Energies Marines > Watch
- Three dimensional modelling of the dispersion of heavy metal released by the galvanic anodes on the Courseulles-sur-mer study site – Nicolas Michelet, France Energies Marines > Watch
- Ecosystemic approach of ORE – Modelling the role of offshore wind farms in modifying the functioning of coastal food webs and cumulative impact – Nathalie Niquil, Université de Caen Normandie/CNRS > Watch
- Q&A Session > Watch
The slides are also available for download below.
FEM Tribune 2020 – Dieppe Le Tréport wind farm return of experience
FEM Tribune 2020 – Issues raking
FEM Tribune 2020 – Dispersion of heavy metal
FEM Tribune 2020 – Ecosystemic approach
Photo credit: Thomas Pavy