Seabad cable stability and hydrodynamics
Duration: 34 months (2017 - 2019)
The development of tidal turbine arrays requires managing the costs of stabilising electric cables on the seabed in the presence of strong currents. Existing methodologies are suitable for sites where cable instability is mainly related to wave action. The very specific nature of strong currents found at tidal sites requires an adaptation of these methodologies taking into account turbulence in the currents combined with waves and chaotic bathymetry.
To define a new prediction model for stability of cables laid on seabed at tidal sites.
Main achievements
- Review of knowledge on cable stability at tidal sites.
- Development of a modelling tool for a cable laid on the seabed.
- Development and qualification of a numerical model configured to reproduce hydrodynamic constraints on a section of cable.
- Proposal and application of a cable stability evaluation methodology.
- Specification, monitoring and analysis of tank tests to characterise the hydrodynamic constraints on a cable in a tidal environment.
STHYF has enabled the development of models to study the stability of cables in a tidal environment, whihch means on rocky ground and with high current speeds in the water column. These models have been integrated into software tools which are available to support the actors of the tidal sector in the design of future farms.
Partners and funding
This project was led by EDF and France Energies Marines.
The total project budget was €426K.
This project received funding from France Energies Marines and its members and partners, as well as French State funding managed by the National Research Agency under the Investments for the Future Programme (ANR-10-IEED-0006-20).
Photo credit: Olivier Dugornay, Ifremer