Advanced analysis for offshore production of hydrogen from offshore wind

Duration: 36 months (2023-2026)


While the first industrial projects for hydrogen production coupled with offshore wind power have been announced in the North Sea, France’s ambitions in this field have yet to be defined. Offshore energy spatial planning will have strong implications for the development of future grids, which needs to be anticipated. Some major challenges must also be investigated and lifted before hydrogen from offshore wind becomes a reality: the electrolysers location scenarios, the performance of the proton exchange membrane electrolysis technology in an offshore environment and the social acceptance of the whole.


To address a series of complementary aspects of renewable hydrogen production from offshore wind farms to support its progress towards operational deployment, including energy networks integration, technology aspects and environmental impacts

Scientific content

Networks integration

  • Basin scale study: Channel, Atlantic and Mediterranean sea basins
  • Local scale study: Marseille-Fos harbour and industrial site

Technology specification and sizing

  • Panorama of involved technologies
  • Specification and sizing of wind turbine + electrolysis system and substation + electrolysis system

Impact of motion on proton exchange membrane electrolyser performance

  • Cases definition for tests
  • Simulation of movements for wind turbine and substation
  • Testing electrolyser performance with simulated motion

Environmental integration

  • Identification of the different pressure-receiver pairs: chronic risk, accidental risk, impacts on marine compartments
  • Risk characterisation of brine discharges in offshore wind farms
  • Characterization of both physicochemical and biological impact of brine

Expected results

  • Methodology for local scale assessment of renewable hydrogen production-consumption scenarios for heavy industry decarbonisation
  • Hydrogen production systems specification and performance target definition from desalination unit to offshore storage
  • Identification of possible unwanted system resonance regarding the electrolyser exposed to motions of a floating platform
  • Recommendations for environmental impact assessment of the hydrogen production in marine environment using transdisciplinary approach
  • Upgraded OPHARM configuration assessment tool


OPHARM2 project sheet (PDF)

Video pitch of OPHARM2 project

Partners and funding

This project is led by France Energies Marines.

GHyGA logo
Persee logo
Shell logo
skyborn logo 2023
Sofresid logo
Subsea 7 logo
Total Energies logo
Toulouse INP logo
Valeco EnBW logo

The total project budget is €2,489K.

This project receives funding from France Energies Marines and its members and partners, as well as French State funding managed by the National Research Agency under the France 2030 investment plan. It also benefits from the financial support of Bretagne, Pays de la Loire, Occitanie and SUD Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur regions.

France 2030 logo

Photo credit: Malp/AdobeStock

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