Hydrodynamic benchmark for the study of non-linear wave/structure interactions for massive foundations of offshore wind turbines

Duration: 6 months (2014 - 2015)


With the increase in power of offshore wind turbines, the diameter of monopile foundations is increasing, and new foundations are being used: tripod and jacket. Other massive, gravity type foundations have the advantage of being competitive in shallow water, have a relatively limited environmental impact during installation phases, and can be produced locally. This context explains the interest of industrialists in the sector for massive foundations. As the French coasts are highly exposed to swell, the hydrodynamic forces on massive foundations must be studied in detail during the design phases. The design of offshore wind turbine foundations requires a large number of simulations (several thousand), so the simulation tools used must be fast enough in terms of calculation time.


To identify the impact of hydrodynamic modelling on the structural behaviour of massive foundations of tripod and gravity offshore wind turbines, particularly in cases of highly arched swells.

Scientific and technical contents

  • Setting up a basic design file including the site, foundation geometries, loading cases and turbine type.
  • Comparison of the hydrodynamic loadings calculated for the different models and for each type of studied foundation.
  • Study of the response of the structures to the combined hydrodynamic and turbine loadings.

Partners and funding

This project was led by Innosea and France Energies Marines.

The total project budget was de €310K.

This project received funding from France Energies Marines and its members and partners.

 Photo credit: Siripimon 2525 / AdobeStock

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