Acoustic index of benthic resources on hard substrates for the assessment of impacts from tidal stream turbines
Duration: 36 months (2013 - 2016)
The benthos, which corresponds to all organisms living near the bottom, is an essential compartment for the functioning of ecosystems in coastal environments. It also presents economic, heritage and emblematic challenges within these environments, which are also favoured for the deployment of renewable marine energy production facilities.
To diagnose the state and evolution of benthic communities in a rocky marine habitat by listening to the sounds they produce, similar to the stethoscope in the medical field.
Scientific and technical contents
- Realisation of the first acoustic description of benthos on hard substrate and in a strong current.
- Development of innovative, quantitative methods for environmental monitoring of the potential impacts of tidal turbines on the benthic compartment of hard substrates.
Partners and funding
This project was led by Grenoble INP and France Energies Marines.
The total project budget was €353€.
This project /received funding from France Energies Marines and its members and partners.
Photo credit: France Energies Marines