ITW Sabine Ostermann

3 questions to Sabine Ostermann

At RTE, Sabine Ostermann leads the R&D roadmap regarding network connections. As part of our Institute’s 2022 activity report, we interviewed her on RESCORE, the French Resource Center for Offshore Renewable Energy.

What contribution has RTE made to the setting up of RESCORE?

RESCORE is a web platform with a mapping interface on which you can find a large part of the data resulting from the R&D work carried out by France Energies Marines to support the development of offshore renewable energies. RTE, which develops France’s onshore and offshore power grids, is contributing by making available the research data generated by the collaborative projects in which it is involved. During the construction phase of this resource centre, I took part in the steering committee that followed the key stages of the creation of RESCORE.

What information in RESCORE do you find most interesting?

On RESCORE, you will be able to find a wide range of R&D data: reports, summaries, results sheets, different data sets and so on. Take the ABIOP+ project, for example, which is looking at the characterisation of biofouling. On the platform, you can find, for two study sites off Groix and Belle-Île: the sampling plan, the physical characteristics of the stations, a library of video images and sediment profiles, maps of the taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity of the species present, an analysis of the economic effects and public policies… RESCORE is gradually being expanded to include data from the various stakeholders in the sector, with the goal of creating a single access point.

What types of data is RTE likely to deposit in RESCORE?

RTE’s own data can be consulted by the general public on our website. For collaborative R&D projects led by France Energies Marines, RTE provides its own data, which is combined with the data of the other partners. The corresponding metadata sheets are gradually being indexed in RESCORE. This is notably the case for the ABIOP+ (characterisation of biofouling), APPEAL (socio-ecosystemic approach to the impact of floating wind farms), DUNES (dynamics of marine dunes) and DYNAMO (in-service monitoring of dynamic cables) projects.

Photo credit: RTE

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