Floating offshore wind
Floating offshore wind sector: a market with promising development
Floating offshore wind technology makes it possible to envisage the deployment of offshore systems in areas inaccessible to bottom-fixed wind turbines due to water depth of more than 60 m. Its proven efficiency also for shallow waters makes it a competitive alternative to the use of piles or gravity foundations. Developing this technology would allow better exploitation of offshore wind fields. The first pilot farms show an average load factor of 65% to 70% when the bottom-fixed wind turbines have a load factor of 40-45% offshore and 22% onshore. The distance from the coast offers a more constant wind with a higher average speed, but represents a strong constraint for the export of the power produced. The market is emerging, with development supported by several pilot farms, some of which are already in operation. Knowing that 80% of the offshore wind energy available in Europe is located in depths suitable for floating technology and that the additional operating costs compared to bottom-fixed wind turbines are lower than expected, the sector anticipates very rapid development. This is confirmed by the performance of current prototypes, which is better than initially forecast.
Reliability and performance issues
The main challenges for the deployment of floating offshore wind sector in France and internationally are :
- The reliability of mobile systems over 20 to 25 years in a hostile marine environment,
- A gain in performance conditioned by the minimisation of production losses linked to floating structure movements,
- The reliability and robustness of the dynamic part of the power export cable,
- The integration of future commercial farms with existing marine activities,
- The setting up of an industrial sector and dedicated port areas,
- The construction of an installation and maintenance chain with adapted means,
- The economic attractiveness that requires achieving an average cost of energy produced that is competitive with other sources of decarbonated energy,
- Applicable regulations and the acceptability of projects that can cause significant delays that then limit the deployment of technologies.
In France, calls for tenders for four pilot farms were awarded in 2016. The first productions are expected in 2022. In the framework of the law on multiannual programming of energy published in 2020, the French State announces commercial farms to be awarded as early as 2021. These elements underline the need to provide rapid responses to the challenges of floating offshore wind sector.
Wind resource, system design and environmental impact
France Energies Marines contributes to providing solutions for the floating offshore wind sector, mainly through collaborative R&D projects that enable :
- Assessing the impact of climate change on wind resources and system design (2C NOW project),
- Reducing uncertainties on the characterisation of wind resources and thus contribute to the optimisation of production (ARCWIND, CARAVELE, CASSIOWPE, POWSEIDOM and DRACCAR-NEMO projects);
- Better characterising the physical environment, particularly wave fields, while taking into account the impact of breaking waves on floating structures (DIME, DIMPACT and OROWSHI projects);
- Evaluating mooring solutions that reduce investment costs while guaranteeing a system payback, thus increasing performance, and propose adapted design standards (POLYAMOOR, MONAMOOR and BAMOS projects);
- Improving the prediction of the service life of dynamic export cables, electrical substations and mooring lines in order to propose adapted monitoring solutions and optimise the maintenance plan and conservative design costs to cover uncertainties (OMDYN2, DYNAMO, LISORE, MOSISS, AFOSS-DC, MHM-EMR, ABIOP+, BIODHYL, POLYAMOOR, MONAMOOR, SUBSEE 4D and DIONYSOS projects);
- Proposing innovative strategies to optimise the farm design and operations at sea (FLOWTOM, MUTANC projects);
- Optimising environmental, societal and economic impact studies by proposing original models integrating the ecosystem in the broadest sense to support the acceptability of projects (TROPHIK, APPEAL and WINDSERV projects);
- Supporting the choice of locations and future impact studies, in particular by proposing appropriate means and methods for data acquisition (GEOBIRD, ORNIT-EOF, ECOSYSM-EOF, SEMMACAPE and OWFSOMM projects);
- Studying the potential environmental effects of the systems by assessing the effect of electromagnetic fields from submarine cables (SPECIES project), passive acoustic monitoring of benthos (BENTHOSCOPE and BENTHOSCOPE2 projects) or the quantitative assessment of metals released into the marine environment from galvanic anodes (ANODE project);
- Identifying ways to improve the environmental and societal sustainability of offshore wind farms by analysing their life cycle (LIF-OWI project);
- Developing a research platform at sea (FOWRCE SEA project);
- Carrying out preliminary studies about the hydrogen offshore production (OPHARM and OPHARM2 projects),
- Proposing multi-criteria optimisation for the supply of isolated grid (OPTILE project).
The recent launch of DRACCAR, the first French research platform at sea dedicated to offshore wind power, coupled with an innovative R&D programme, will improve the understanding of the interactions between offshore wind power and the environment, the optimisation of the design of wind turbines and allow co-construction of a permanent observation network of the seafronts.
Recommendations for the evolution of current standards
The various studies to which the Institute contributes aim to provide the sector with validated models, adapted measurement methods, representative data and recommendation reports based on recognised expertise. Two projects on biofouling (ABIOP+ and BIODHYL projects) provided decisive elements for the design of mooring lines and dynamic cables by qualifying and quantifying the growth of biocolonisation in the vicinity of future farms and measuring its effect on the behaviour of these critical components. The results of this project reinforce the confidence of developers in taking biofouling into account by proposing to standardise the characterisation protocol for this influential parameter. The work carried out as part of our site characterisation and design and in-service monitoring activity is conducted in the presence of certifying bodies and produces recommendations intended to develop current standards.
List of publications related to floating offshore wind (PDF)
Photo credit: Naval Energies
In progress
Climate change impact on offshore wind
In progress
Design of floating wind turbines and impacts of energetic steep and breaking waves
Dynamic cable monitoring
Accounting for biofouling through established protocols of quantification
Consideration of biofouling using quantification protocols useful for engineering
In progress
Architecture and design of floating offshore substation for direct current applications
Quantitative evaluation of metals released into the marine environment from the galvanic anodes of ORE structures.
Socio-ecosystemic approach to the impact of floating wind farms
Adaptation and implementation of floating wind energy conversion technology for the Atlantic Region
In progress
Behaviour and ageing of mooring using synthetic rope
Understanding and monitoring of ORE impacts on the benthic compartment via a measurement platform dedicated to passive acoustic
In progress
Biofouling characterization and description of hydrodynamic loadings
Wind characterisation for offshore renewable energies applications
Characterising the atmosphere and sea surface interactions for the deployment of offshore wind in the Gulf of Lion
High-resolution local analysis of wave and breaking variability from satellite imagery
In progress
Committee of experts for offshore renewable energies environmental and socio-economic issues
In progress
Design and metocean: modelling and observations of extreme sea states for offshore renewable energies
In progress
Digital intelligent operational network using hybrid sensors / simulations approach
In progress
New methods for turbulence measurements and models in offshore wind
Dynamics of hydraulic dunes and impact on ORE projects
In progress
Prefiguration of an observatory of marine ecosystems in interaction with floating offshore wind farms in the Gulf of Lion
French working group on cumulative effects of ORE projects
Proof of concept for an innovative floating wind turbine
In progress
Effective monitoring strategies to identify and evaluate effects of offshore wind farms and their export cables on fish communities
In progress
Floating offshore wind turbines operation and maintenance
Future offshore wind research center at sea
In progress
Environmental, socio-economic and technological challenges for life cycle assessments of offshore wind farms
Innovative and cost-effective offshore substations for ORE by 2025
Development of an innovative geolocation tag for seabirds
Assessment of the Mediterranean observational data system for targeted applications
Mooring health monitoring for offshore renewable energy systems
In progress
Modelling of marine dunes: local and large-scale evolutions in an OWF context
Modelling and monitoring of polyamide mooring lines
Monitoring strategies for innovative substations
In progress
Mutualised anchors for offshore wind farms
Dynamic umbilicals for offshore renewable energies
Dynamic umbilicals for floating marine renewable energies technologies - Phase 2
Hydrogen and offshore wind: decision-support tools
In progress
Advanced analysis for offshore production of hydrogen from offshore wind
In progress
Multi-criteria optimisation for offgrid marine renewable electrical production
In progress
Prefiguration of an observatory of the Gulf of Lion birdlife in interaction with floating offshore wind farms
In progress
Offshore wind turbine design including joint wind-wave information in standard for hurricane-exposed sites
In progress
Offshore wind farm surveys of marine megafauna: standardisation of tools and methods for monitoring at farm scales
Durable and flexible polyamide moorings for offshore renewable energies
Deployment of wind and turbulence observations in the Mediterranean
Monitoring and study of marine megafauna in wind farms by automatic characterisation
Subsea power cables interactions with environment and associated surveys
A digital twin to facilitate the operation of floating wind farms
Modelling the role of offshore wind farms in modifying the functioning of coastal food webs and cumulative impact
Optimisation software for tidal and floating offshore turbine arrays: state of the art, comparison and new tools specification
Hydro-aero-elastic modelling of floating offshore wind turbines
Towards a multi-model approach of indicators of ecosystem services
Renewable floating system design and optimisation
Structural health monitoring strategy for FOWT in real-time
Media library
Jean-Francois Filipot
Site Characterisation R&D Manager
Ludovic Noblet
Development and Valorisation Director
Published on 05/01/2024
Biofouling and floating offshore wind turbines
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CFI At sea cable monitoring
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Monitoring of dynamic cables
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Polyamide and floating wind turbine moorings
Learn morePublished on 21/09/2023
Waves & Floating Wind Turbines Design
Learn morePublished on 12/09/2023
€13M for a new programme
Learn morePublished on 12/05/2023
Launch of DRACCAR
Learn morePublished on 12/04/2023
PhD Defence – Biofouling and ORE
Learn morePublished on 05/04/2023
Modelling of loads due to breaking waves
Learn morePublished on 22/03/2023
A buoy to study moorings
Learn morePublished on 16/03/2023
Decarbonising the island grids
Learn morePublished on 20/02/2023
Polyamide and mooring
Learn morePublished on 06/02/2023
Biofouling is a phenomenon to be taken into account
Learn morePublished on 31/01/2023
How to characterise turbulence?
Learn morePublished on 02/12/2022
6 new projects, €9M, 45 partners
Learn morePublished on 04/10/2022
Learn morePublished on 14/10/2022
Sea Tech Week 2022
Learn morePublished on 22/07/2022
Biofouling and engineering
Learn morePublished on 24/05/2022
Campaign in the Mediterranean
Learn morePublished on 25/04/2022
HCR – Breaking waves and offshore wind
Learn morePublished on 21/04/2022
Wave and offshore wind seminar
Learn morePublished on 21/03/2022
Faces of DIMPACT
Learn morePublished on 23/02/2022
Mutualised anchors and floating offshore wind
Learn morePublished on 08/02/2022
Mooring and biofouling
Learn morePublished on 29/11/2021
Learn morePublished on 21/10/2021
Reducing the total cost of offshore electrical substations for future floating wind farms
Learn morePublished on 18/10/2021
DIME Webinar
Learn morePublished on 08/10/2021
3 questions for Rui Duarte
Learn morePublished on 06/10/2021
Characterising the thermal resistance of biofouling
Learn morePublished on 12/08/2021
3 questions for Matthieu Pettinotti
Learn morePublished on 02/08/2021
A biofouling observatory in the Atlantic
Learn morePublished on 11/05/2021
A buoy to study biofouling
Learn morePublished on 11/03/2021
APPEAL : an article published in Frontiers
Learn morePublished on 03/03/2021
The new faces of DYNAMO
Learn morePublished on 19/02/2021
In-situ waves observation
Learn morePublished on 02/02/2021
COME3T, phase II
Learn morePublished on 08/12/2020
Public report from the ANODE project
Learn morePublished on 16/10/2020
FEM Tribune – ORE integration webinar
Learn morePublished on 21/09/2020
FEM Tribune – Array optimisation webinar
Learn morePublished on 06/10/2020